Beit Simcha Vision Statement

“We are a community welcoming Jews and Gentiles,
rejoicing, worshipping the God of Israel, learning, and loving one another.”

Jews & Gentiles

Messiah Yeshua was first “sent to the lost sheep of Israel” and sends us to do likewise (Matthew 15:24, 10:6). Then HaShem called the children of Israel, bearing the light of Messiah and the Scriptures, to become a “light to the nations” (Isaiah 51:4, 60:3). Thus God's plan is for everyone. Some from the nations are called to embrace this plan, lovingly taking hold of the Jew by the hem (tzitzit) and saying “Let us go with you, for we hear that God is with you” (Zechariah 8:23). Thus, while our priority is to invite other Jews to seek the truth about the Messiah of Israel in the Scriptures, we also welcome Gentiles, affirming that Messiah has made the two one (Ephesians 2:15). God does not show partiality (Deuteronomy 10:17, Romans 2:11), and neither do we. Practically, we affirm our own peculiarly Jewish calling by observing the Shabbat and Jewish festivals, studying Torah, keeping biblical kashrut (Leviticus 11), getting involved in the Jewish community locally and internationally, combatting anti-semitism by teaching the Jewish roots in the Church, and presenting the good news of the Messiah of Israel to everyone.”

Worshipping One God

The oneness of God (Deuteronomy 6:4, Zechariah 14:9) is the basis of our own unity (Psalms 133:1). Our worship also reflects the creative diversity of God (Psalms 150). In our worship, there is a time for stillness and a time for expression of spiritual gifts, a time for traditional Jewish liturgy and a time for open-throated singing with musical instruments, and a time for joyful circle dance, just as David and the Levites danced before the ark.


“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching . . . and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). The study of Torah (which literally means “instruction”) equips us and enables us to pass on a heritage to our children, both physical and spiritual. Thanks be to God, our bar and bat mitzvah children are remaining faithful to their heritage into adulthood. Our adults enjoy studying Torah on Shabbat afternoons and the rest of Scripture in Bible studies and havurah (fellowship) groups. Our Rabbi encourages additional learning during interactive Q&A sessions directly after some of his messages, by encouraging congregants to read and share short messages, and by having additional bible study and questions in his home and via zoom. 

Loving One Another

We believe God ordains relationships of covenant love (Deuteronomy 7:9, 1 Samuel 18:1), which strengthen the unity of the Spirit. God ordains relationships that are personal (Ecclesiastes 4:12, hence we take time to form personal relationships outside of meetings), corporate (Romans 12:5, hence we consider congregational membership a covenant) and trans-congregational (1 Corinthians 16, hence we are members of Tikkun America and IAMCS and support the local OneVoice and Share the Power networks). Since Ephesians 4:3 says that “keeping the unity of the Spirit” takes “every effort”, we encourage one another, practice hospitality, bear one another’s burdens, and rejoice in each others joys (Romans 12:9-15).

Beit Simcha is a Messianic Jewish Congregation

According to our bylaws, our purposes are:

I. To worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the living, whose desire is that our joy may be full;

II. To proclaim the good news of Yeshua the Messiah, to the Jew first and also the Gentile; being in nature the Word and Son of God, one God with the Father from the beginning, he emptied himself to became man and a servant of all; through His death every person can have atonement before God from all sin, and by His resurrection we have confidence that we can come into the presence of God in our prayers and will be raised to everlasting life with Him;

III. To be filled with the Holy Spirit, the counselor sent by God to guide us into all truth;

IV. To study the whole and authoritative Word of God, including the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) and the Brit Chadasha (New Covenant) under the leading of the Holy Spirit;

V. To observe the Shabbat and Biblical Feasts ordained by God in perpetuity;

VI. To be a testimony to the whole body of Messiah of its Jewish roots, trusting that Messiah’s death has forever broken down the middle wall of partition separating Jews and Gentiles who trust in him, and also affirming that Messiah came not to destroy the Torah but to fulfill it; our Jewish roots, from which Messiah springs, have always been intended as a basis of oneness, holiness and love, as it is written, in Leviticus 19:34: “The stranger living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were strangers in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.”

VII. To identify with the Jewish people in observance of the seasons of Jewish life (including b’rit milah (circumcision), mikveh (immersion), bar mitzvah, marriage, mourning), study of Hebrew, and intercession and support for Israel;

VIII. To raise children in the knowledge, fear and love of the Lord, passing on to them a Jewish identity, understanding of God”s word, and love for all people;

IX. To love one another as God loves us, devoted to one another in brotherly love, bearing one another”s burdens, sharing with God”s people and our neighbors in need, practicing hospitality.